I am passionate about all things mental well-being, self-care, self-love, and self-discovery.
As a child, writing and reading were my first love. I loved reading inspirational books, articles, and other pieces and I enjoyed just as much, creating my own motivational stories, articles, and even poems.
Along with life’s trials and challenges, I lost the passion for both, as a teenager and even young adult I experienced many traumatic incidents that led to a PTSD (depression and anxiety) mental illness diagnosis.
My unwillingness to accept this diagnosis delayed my recovery for a long time, but as I started to understand my condition and attend psychotherapy sessions, I began to understand the root of my challenge.
Which, simply put was, I grew up in a society and culture that placed no importance or education on mental health. Furthermore, I had skewed perceptions of what self-love, self-care, and self-discovery actually looked like in practice. This lack of knowledge coupled with the slew of traumatic events I experienced from young childhood led me down a very dark rabbit hole. One that I lacked the tools to identify and climb out of.
With that understanding and a determination to become the woman I was meant to be, and not the one moping around my house in yesterday’s clothes at that time. I wanted to truly evolve into and embody the woman I envisioned and wrote about as a child. The happy, supportive, inspirational woman I imagined myself to be. I picked up my pen, my favorite books and tuned into inspirational podcasts, and began to learn, unlearn and relearn these concepts.
Soon enough, the passion and love for reading and writing became my first love again. However, this time, I made the commitment, to share this love with others in the most sincere, genuine, and practical way possible.

I created Mind Coffee, to awaken and feed you mentally first because nothing happens unless you think it. And I believe with knowledge comes understanding, with understanding comes changed behavior and with changed behavior, we change families, generations, and cultures. But first, we must become the healthiest and best version of ourselves.